Living Populism is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funded project (grant number 01104011) being researched by Owen McNamara. Owen is a political and environmental anthropologist at the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporaines at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He was awarded a PhD in anthropology from the Australian National University in 2021, based on his research on Peronism and agroecology in Córdoba, Argentina. He has also worked on the politics of native-corn revivalism in Oaxaca, Mexico. Owen’s work has been published in outlets such as The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, and The Australian Journal of Anthropology. His first ethnographic monograph is under contract with the University of North Carolina Press, to be released in 2026.

Selected publications:

‘“The pandemic came to teach us how to eat”: COVID-19, mutual vulnerability, and native corn in Oaxaca, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 29 (1)

Pyrrhic nationals: the promise and pitfalls of masculine civic belonging in Argentina, Feminist Anthropology, 3 (1)

Gender and Populism, The International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology (forthcoming).

Owen McNamara

Research and financing.

Owen McNamara

Investigación y financiamiento.

Living Populism es un proyecto financiado por las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie (subvención número 01104011) que está siendo investigado por Owen McNamara. Owen es antropólogo político y medioambiental en el Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporaines de la Université Libre de Bruxelles. Recibió un doctorado en antropología de la Australian National University en 2021, basado en su investigación sobre el peronismo y la agroecología en Córdoba, Argentina. También ha trabajado sobre la política del revivalismo del maíz nativo en Oaxaca, México. El trabajo de Owen se ha publicado en medios como The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Feminist Anthropology y The Australian Journal of Anthropology. Su primera monografía etnográfica ha sido contratada por la editorial de la University of North Carolina Press y se publicará en 2026.